Audience Engine: Helping to Drive Qualified Leads to Your Dealership

Reach qualified customers like never before
Discover the power of next-level targeting. With Audience Engine, qualified leads are delivered straight to your dealership by combining artificial intelligence with an unmatched audience of up to 15+ million unique users, across 200+ categories on Kijiji and Kijiji Autos. We pair that with a vast display network from multiple premium platforms to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs.
The advantage of Audience Engine
Sell Smarter at your
dealership with Intelligent
Audience Targeting

Smart Our platform intelligently identifies the right audience for each listing, targeting them at the ideal time and place.

Connect Connect your inventory with the right shopper at the right time, so you can bring them to your dealership faster.

Efficient Reduce your overall Cost Per Lead and Cost Per Click without compromising on reach.
A win-win-win situation

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